Friday, August 12, 2011

I was watching Jane Velez-Mitchell and for the first time I saw and listened to a psychic that was in the area?

of Caylee's remains on 8/11/08 and called the Orange Co authorities and told them she was there with a cadaver dog and the dog's trainer from Ohio. The police told her to go back to Ohio, she said she could see a black garbage bag back in the wooded area, they told her if theydisturbed this area they would be charged with tampering with this case and its evidence. Why in the world wouldn't this be f/u. She was on a witness list, but was never called. This was only 2mo after the child was missing, and could have been groundbreaking. I don't understand. Two people, Krunk and this wrold renowed psychic were there at the same time and couldn't get the police officials to come and look, and get the powers that be to investigate this black garbage bag. Shame on this investigation. Pat B

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