Thursday, August 4, 2011

Redundancy issues with my employer?

The company i worked for for 10 years has been taken over by another company and we have been closed down and made redundant. But we was given two options 1. Take redundancy or 2. Take the offer of employment at our new company (the one that has taken our old company over). I took the 2nd option but within 1 week of working at the new place i hate it and wish i had took redunancy. But on looking at loads of websites it says that i should be on a 4 week trial at my new company and if i dont like it then i should still be entitled to my redunancy money. The problem is that my new boss said a month ago that this 4 week trial period thing is not true and we wouldnt get any money if we took on the new job, if i talk to him to say i want to leave i know for a fact he will do everything to stop me getting any money and probably sack me or something so i dont have a leg to stand on. He has said nothing about us being on a 4 week trail when supposidly he should have but funnily enough when i asked about when we sign our new contracts i was told we will after 4 weeks so is this because there IS a 4 week trial period? Basically can anyone give me any advice on this or even better someone who has experienced the redunancy and 4 week trial alternative thing

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