Friday, August 12, 2011

I was watching Jane Velez-Mitchell and for the first time I saw and listened to a psychic that was in the area?

of Caylee's remains on 8/11/08 and called the Orange Co authorities and told them she was there with a cadaver dog and the dog's trainer from Ohio. The police told her to go back to Ohio, she said she could see a black garbage bag back in the wooded area, they told her if theydisturbed this area they would be charged with tampering with this case and its evidence. Why in the world wouldn't this be f/u. She was on a witness list, but was never called. This was only 2mo after the child was missing, and could have been groundbreaking. I don't understand. Two people, Krunk and this wrold renowed psychic were there at the same time and couldn't get the police officials to come and look, and get the powers that be to investigate this black garbage bag. Shame on this investigation. Pat B

Cheap Tack Trunks for sale?

Does anyone know of a place to buy cheap tack trunks? I need it to be big enough to fit my western saddle, two bridles, eight splint boots, four bell boots, a saddle pad, a fly sheet, and various grooming supplies. It also must not rot if it gets a little wet, and must be lightweight enough for me to lift and/or drag by myself (I am strong, but not superwoman). I am looking for something under $300, and it would be nice if it came with a way to lock it, but I can install a lock if I need to. Wheels would also be nice, but not a necessity.

Light, strong, and cheap wood?

So, I'm making a steampunk sword, and I want to use wood for the blade. I'm not sure what kind of wood to use, but I know it needs it to be light and won't brake from it's own weight. And I'd prefer it to be cheap and easy to get. Thank you.

I'm very worried about my albino bristlenose pleco!?

I have a 40 gal community tank with real plants and a piece of drift wood. And other decorations. I got 2 albino bristlenose plecos about 30 days ago. None of them have whiskers so does that mean there all female? And one in my 40 gal is huge! Like 3 times the size when I first bought it. But my other one has barely grew a few millimeters! I'm very worried that she isn't getting enough food! Every night I split a algea wafer in half and just drop both halves in the tank after the lights are of and all the fish are fed! It isn't where I put in when I wake up but I've seen my other fish eat them and my juli cories also! How can I make sure that the 2 especially the smaller on eat every day!??!?!?! I no they are nocturnal or watever but I guarentee they eat in the day cuz I always see them attached to the side of the tank going up and down eating. I just separated the smaller one just now and put a algea wafer in with it but idk if it's gunna eat it. Why is one so big and the other so little! The only other tank I could put the smaller one in is a 10 gal. But I don't no if I trust the water. If male and female guppies, and a female betta can live in a tank withou dying, does that mean the the pleco would survive!? There's plenty of algea in the 10 gal but I wouldn't want it to get sick or anything. So wat should I do?

Stepped on a tack????????

Soo today I stepped on a little thumb tack. It didnt really bleed at all, but t left a mark. should o be concernced? :P

Why is yahoo so freaking terrible (read this you'll agree with me)?

No I don't agree with you. I think you take this answer thing way too seriously, its not like its going to appear on your resume or ruin your credit score. You can always go on the sites you think are better run, no problem.

Insolvant company and owed wages?

Hi, I am a company secretary and if the company is insolvent and dissolved and still has not paid you your wages then it is unlikely that you will see them. If the company went into liquidation you would have been classed as a preferential creditor and should have received your wages at that point unless all the proceeds of liquidation were used up on fixed charges. Maybe they do intend to pay but it is very unusual they did not do before dissolution of the company, the court would not approve a dissolution until all creditors that could be paid were. You could try to sue the directors but it is very unlikely they would lift the corporate veil unless a breach of duty or fraud was carried out. Shareholders will have limited liability.

Why are we forced to accept increases in our property taxes when real estate values are...?

In our locale, a few year back, a similar thing happened. AND, we heard that the municipality was giving people a hard time who were appealing the valuation of their homes. So, we hired an appraiser for $200 and had a very rudimentary appraisal done. The appraisal came in well below the city's valuation especially after recent sale comparables were factored in. We then found out that the city was obligated to lower the valuation in light of a professional appraisal. There was no legal room for them to give us a hard time, so they didn't--they lowered it immediatley! It reduced the taxes so much that we more than paid for the appraisal. I don't know if this works any other places, but it sure worked for us. At any rate, always appeal the valuation since you have nothing to lose. I know one guy who appealed his automatically regardless of what they said it was worth, and many times they just lowered it rather than go through the time and expense of disputing it. A bit gutsier than I care for, but it worked for him.

I think I have a hacker on my mincraft.?

I created a new single player world with no mods only John smith texture pack. I was playing on beta 1.5 and I was getting wood. I turned to see summut on a mountain I traveled to the mountain. I saw a default player with no eyes. and in a split second he went I double checked if I was on mulitiplayer but I wasn't. Please can u tell me what it was I deleted the world for caution.

Now that Royal Mail's volumes are down...?

Royal Mail reported today that their profits are down because the volume of mail has dropped and will lead to more redundancies. Now that they have less work will they be able to deliver the remaining mail faster? Shall we see again First Class mail delivered the next day and Second Class the day after that? Is the time coming when once again (as pre-war) mail posted in the morning is delivered within the same town later the same day?

Why would my arrow of light(old) randomly fall?

I was just trying to sleep then boom! Bang loud noises and **** happen! In like what the ****!!! Ran diff out of bed and turn on the light scared as he'll. But before it happend I noticed my cat kindof staring in it's direction of the room.. It was hung up by thumb tacks which are strong. Can anyone tell me what has happend? I know it sound weird..

Backing tracks without the guitar part?

I need backing tracks without the guitar part so I ca play with the track. I found some tacks without the original artists, and I hated how they sounded, so are there any tracks with original artists?

Help with exercise wraps?

The wraps are meant to go over padding after the horse has been ridden hard or has some swelling or heat in her lower legs. You can put some ointment on and then you wrap the pads with those wraps. When riding, you should really only use the polos or boots for her legs. I would stick with the fleecey polos, be sure you wrap them towards the tail on the outside :)

Transferring Back to Previous College Where I Didnt Do As Well?

My question is that i would like to transfer back to the university i first went to right out of high school, i made some bad decisions and ended up on academic suspension. That was 4 years ago. Now i have the right state of mind but the school i'm at doesn't offer the ABET accredited degree i want so i want to transfer back to my previous school. My only issue is that im afraid my GPA and grades from being there right out of high school will be tacked on to my GPA now. Am i correct in that and if so is there anything i can do to ... in a way ... erase my bad semesters at my first school?

Screen/Storm Door Hardware?

I work for a custom door manufacturer. We sometimes make wood storm doors to go along with our entry doors. We make very high quality product so I'm trying to find a storm/screen door latch/lock that is also decent quality while not being over $100. The storm/screen doors are usually 1 3/16" - 1 3/4" thick. I don't have a preference regarding whether its a knob, lever, push/pull latch, etc. but it needs to be good quality and have several finish options (we use oil rubbed bronze a lot). Anyone know of a good supplier? Preferably somewhere online that you can purchase easily. Thanks so much for your help.

What size hunt coat would I wear?

I would go to the tack shop and find a coat that fits, and buy it there. I ride dressage, and the nearest tack shop that sells dressage apparel is over 30 minutes away (I've yet to time the drive)! That way you can try on a bunch of different brands and find one that fits (some brands fit differently than others). It always sucks when you find the "perfect" item online, but you find that it doesn't fit.

I have a yahoo group called Nature playdates. I am wondering if anyone will be interested in this.?

I was planning to make a nature preschool but the irvine california area is very difficult to start a preschool. Because it is difficult I thought the best way to start would be to make playdates for non-working and part time or full time moms and bring their kids to the outdoors for a couple of hours on a nature hike or just to play in the woods.

After losing job,if i got job offer letter from same management in another branch,WOULD I LOSS REDUNDANCY?Y?


Word to describe redundancy is speech/writing.?

Years ago I was listening to Simon Mayo and Mark Kermode chatting and Simon used a word to describe the term 'fanatical fan'. Fan suggest Fanatical and so it is not needed.I thought it was an interesting word but can't remember what it is is. Any ideas, people?

Payment in lieu of notice?

You will get paid for the last month you work - May, and receive an additional payment for one month - June (the month in lieu of notice). You may get the payment in two checks (one for May and one for June) or they may combine it into one check covering both months. However it is distributed to you, you are only getting one month '"extra" salary.

Is it really necessary to buy the "damage liablity" insurance from rental store on a rented "Wood chipper"?

Check your home contents or building insurance documents - mine covers for this sort of thing so if you have it you don't need to pay for more. Some of these companies are into this type of money making scams.

Bedroom Decorating Help/Tips...?

instead of returning it or hiding the fact that its there is you can actuallymake it a signature peice of the room not everything has to match :)

Co-worker pulled a knife on me?

I had just started working at this pallet company for 3 weeks and since the first week one of the other guys there took advantage and I think bullied me. He would have me grab him things a couple feet away from him, stuff he should be getting himself since that was part of his job and I was busy doing my own thing but i grabbed what he needed anyways. Then after a week his request became ridiculous like having me grab him sodas and he would for no reason kick my piles of trash and sawdust I had just swept up and tell me to "clean this S**T UP" he would put his hands on my food and other belongings like my cell phone. one day he put his hands on me and tried to be funny or look tough by putting my hand behind my back and push up like police do, that's when thins started to go down hill and I stopped doing what he would tell me to do and started to ignore him and he told me I have to start doing what he told me to do( He was no higher that me and he had just been working there for 2 weeks longer than me.) he then start throwing old gloves, that the coworkers rolled up into balls and throw them at co workers as a joke, I thought that was un professorial since we are working at a pallet company around nail guns and saws so me and this other guy had bad blood from the fist week. then one day my supervisor came up out of nowhere and put his hands on me and pushed me back out of the way almost making me trip on a step and pushing a stack of wood out of the way to turn the machine off... I couldn't hear him call for me ( if he was) since I had my protective hearing muffs on and my head phones on under those ( I had gotten permission from the same supervisor I could listen to music) that had made me angry that he pushed me out of his way and i started to hold that anger in me the next day I was working in my area when when the guy had came up put his hands on my ear muffs and pulled me out of the way from another machine I was aware of my surroundings and knew what was going on so I think it was just another reason to touch me, I then turned around and pushed the guy and told him to never put his hands on me ever again and stated to yell at him. later that same day we had a safety meeting and I left my water bottle behind and when i went to pick it up he got up and kicked it over, I went out to the parking lot to see this guy sitting down giving me dirty looks, I then Screamed " WHAT THE F**K ARE YOU LOOKING AT" he got up started to walk at me and said "what the F**k you just say to me" I thought there was about to be a fight so I dropped what I was holding and that's when he pulled knife on me I remained calm and planed my that I would start backing up keeping my distance then lunge at the knife but never did. eventually he put the knife away and I found out later that I had been fired for pushing him and he never got fired for pulling a knife on me since the bosses like this guy. I feel this guy saw me as weak and took advantage of me to make him self feel powerful and good about himself. What do I do about this whole thing?

Which online Equestrian Store do you like best?

I personally like Jeffers because their prices are always good and their shipping is fast. Chick's Saddlery has a great selection of tack, too but I've only used them once so far.

EMERGENCY! how do u get super-glue of a wood floor?

EMERGENCY!my little brother took my mom's supper-glue and now it's ALL OVER the floor!and my mom is freaking out about it. what should i do?EMERGENCY!

The company i work for made 15 people redundant then took it back?

Ok the company i work for lost work so they said they were going to make 15 (HGV) drivers redundant so the day they announced it all drivers were on 30 days notice till they had picked the 15 people , they were going off a points system on the lengh of service and "live" disaplinaries ageinst you , well a week went by of who's going whos staying , untill this thursday people got there letters and were told how much they were getting etc.. but one of the union people were telling every one who was going before the people got told , then one of the union phoned head office i dont know what was said now all redundancys have been canceld and every one has to go back to work and ignore the redundancy because they said they should of asked for people for volantry first , but i dont think its fair how people have been told one of the lads wife was crying her eyes out thinking she was going to lose her house etc.. and this as a very big national company , every one will know who it is , its not very professional

How to covince your parents to buy you a horse?

I have been riding (barn lesson horses) for 9 years, and I really want to go to this boarding school in Alabama, Montverde Academy, they are totally fine with that, but I asked for a horse and they totally flipped! They yelled at me because they dont have enough money, but my mom is giving me mixed signals....she talks to my trainer about buying tack (obviously, makes me thing about getting a horse) and I ask her about it and again, yells at me for not enough money, she even bought me a whole grooming set with a halter and lead rope and bridle for X-mas. Still... no horse? I'm so confused so I talked to her about it and she said if I pay for half of boarding and all of the food, then I can get a horse.. but every time I talk to her about it she gets mad? I'm so confused. Please help me convince my mom!

Where can I find the missing wood inlay to a gerber folding knife?

I purchased a vintage gerber folding knife today, and it is missing the wood inlay on one side. Is there anywhere that I can find this piece or get the knife repaired? Thanks

Thursday, August 11, 2011

How to ask for sponsorship to run for Sate Fair Queen?

I was curious as to how and whom I could ask for sponsorship to run for State Fair Queen this year as my first year running. Sponsorship would include tack, money, etc. I've just never really had to find sponsorship before, but obviously will need to. Any answers, tips, and/or advice would be greatly appreciated and I'd be more than grateful. Thanks a ton!

What year was this purse made?

I bought this vintage leather purse yesterday while on a trip to the US. It is so detailed it kind if looks like carved wood. There is leather lacing along the edges, and inside there are 2 zippered pockets. On the inside it is stamped with "Vargas, made-in Mexico". It is about 15 cm tall and 20-25 cm wide with a short-ish strap. It's light orange-brown in colour. I'd like to know approximately when it was made. I'm sorry I don't know how to put a picture up!

All about you and horses. Awnser?

You copied this off of GG. Go over there to look for my answer. If you want me to answer your poll properly, think of your own questions.

The Witcher 2 Won't Install Correctly?

Specific Disk Drives cannot read the Witcher 2 installation DVD properly. The only solutions as of date are 1. Purchase a cheap external Disk Drive to install it, or use a friends or your own secondary PC to copy the files from the disk onto the PC then transfer them back onto your PC entirely bypassing the need for the DVD. Atari and CD Projekt are releasing a patch in about a week. Whether this fixes these issues is yet to be seen.

Very difficult period ( deaths in family, redundancy) taking toll on married life. Help please?

Our my marriage is going through a difficult time after rollercoaster couple of years my husband and I seem to be constantly arguing as he is unbelievably tense, touchy, hyper-critical and tired and withdrawn. We had our beautiful baby girl who is the light of our lives 2 years ago but immediately after her birth one very close family member ( his aunt who brought him up) died of terminal cancer-my husband had been with her various times during the pregnancy and at just one month old we took our baby to be with her during her final days then organised and paid for funeral and sorted out all legal affairs and paid all debts. My husband's father then became ill with terminal cancer just 6 months later- we were the mainstay throughout chemo, home care etc I did as much as I could but my priority was the baby..A very painful 9 months followed as family refused external care until the very end. Another close family member died 1 month ago and agin we took on the brunt of it all. In the meantime, we have had to financially bail out his sister who is unemployed and a compulsive spender and mega in debt. I was then made redundant and as I have a spinal disability work especially in the recession is hard to find. My husband is very withdrawn or mega on edge and it seems that it is one problem after another-he has just been diagnosed with glaucoma which has frightened him but for the moment the doctors seem to have it under control. We have been going to marriage counselling which does help but we have little time or money which is compounded by the fact that we are trying to buy a house as where we live is on 4 floors and is impossible for my back. I try to tell my husband to look on the bright side that we have a precious wonderful daughter, he has a job and we have a roof over our heads and no terminal illnesses but daily life seems a real grind..Any tips for breaking the argument cycle and getting our marriage back on track...Any constructive advice would be great..Thanks in advance.

How many of you actually ride bareback?

I used to do bareback for at least 10mins a week. When I worked at the stable i would be so lazy i would go get the horse i used, pick his feet and put on his bridle and ride for about a half hour or an hour, I had an adult there with me keeping track of time on the horse. I recently went to a different barn and no longer do bareback, I now do english. But I have fallen bareback because I was too lazy for the saddle and the horse took off on me when i went to get on. I freaked out.

If I have worked at a company for six years, can my contract be ended?

You assumed incorrectly. Until you have a contract that States you are Full time your status has NOT changed

I need some help for tomorrow!?

so i help out at the stable i ride at BUT theres a big problem, one of the jobs is to tack up the ponies and i only know one ponies bridal and saddle and another ponies bridal. i know you cant tell me which is which unless u got to seaview riding school!:P. what should i do?? alot of the time the people that work there are doing something and i dont want to put the wrong tack on. AND another question. i was helping out at the stable on sunday and i was the oldest there. but this 10 year old kid was telling me what to do and when to do it. i didnt tack up and of the ponies coz she sed not to and it doesnt help that im not to good at talking to people face to face. and the younger kids are really harsh with the ponies, they smack them on the nose for no reason thoughtapparently 'they are being bad' no wonder the horse hates taking the bit if all you do is smack it on the nose when it was taking the bitt!!:@ whjat should i say to them if they do it again coz star is a really cheeky but nice pony that is being messed around with. and he's small so he cant pick up bad habbits coz kids ride him. sorry its so long and like a rant!

Sims 3 error??!!?!!?!?!?

Are you installing the first Sims 3? Make sure you have all the updates available. If you are getting these errors call EA Games or do the online chat. They go me a solution in less than 5 minutes for my error.

Protecting a business/service idea?

People have long been bringing unsuccessful lawsuits against people they say stole their business idea -- just think about the recent Facebook lawsuits -- but unfortunately, ideas are not able to be protected by a copyright. The expression of that idea -- for example, the text itself that you write about your business idea -- can be protected, but the underlying idea can be legally copied and manifested again and again.

What do I do??? Is there anything I can do?

Try goling to your local police and explaining it to them. They can probably suggest something you can do. If you have the title to the truck, they may even be able to get it out of storage for you.

Liberals, isn't Fox really rare and funbiased?

I watched Fox News once, for about 30 seconds. That's when I heard Ann Coulter say, as she and another person were discussing something about Newt Gingrich, that "liberals have no morals". I immediately turned the station and will never go back. I don't watch CNN for the same reason. It's just one big show to bash the other's childish, ridiculous, and completely uncalled for. These so-called journalists that do these reports should be completely ashamed of themselves.

How do I properly use a comb?

I feel ridiculously stupid asking this. I have curly hair and have always used a brush on it. My mom uses a comb and every time I would use it I felt like it was pulling/ripping out my hair. I read online that a comb is better for your curls and keeps them more in tacked. Any help or information would be appreciated and PS yes I've already googled this.

Employment law question at risk of redundancy?

Is there a limit on how long an employee can be 'at risk' of redundancy? The redundancy is a definate as the site is relocating to another country, however employees have not been given a closure date nor have been told how long in advance they will be notified

Am I pregnant please help need to no?

so on monday had sex and he cumed in me 3 times and den on wenesday cumed in me 1 time now it's friday and I'm hungrey..tired all the time...stomach hurts..cramping and back pain and peeing alot after I drink somthing..but I stop tacking the depo shot 6 months ago..PLEASE HELP ME I'm VERY YOUNG AND I CNT TELL NO ONE

Can I sell these Gameboy Advance games to EB Games?

Gamestop no longer accepts Gameboy Advance games, and EBGames is owned by Gamestop. You can trade in the DS games though, probably not for a lot.

How do i work a piece of pine still covered with bark to clean wood?

i have a fresh piece of pine (south africa) still covered with bark. i want to work it into a walking stick. i have not dried it yet or anything. how should i go forward with this project?

Which Swiss army knife should I get?

I need a wood saw, a magnifying glass and scissors. It would be better if it had te wood saw and the magnifying glass together are more important. I found one with te wood saw called the forester and 1 with the wood saw and scissors called the huntsman and one with te scissors and magnifying glass called the explorer. Which one should I get or is there a Swiss army knife with all three of them(that would be great) or at least the wood saw and the magnifying glass thanks in advance!

Where did primitive, ancient people find all these metals like copper? I have NEVER seen any copper?

Keep in mind that ancient people would usually live near hills or even in caves for shelter--that kind of improves your chances of finding copper already. In addition, once you find copper, you can trade it to everyone else.

2002 Harley davidson Ultra classic electric glide?

There are enough electronics on that bike to thwart most home mechanics. I don't think you really have an alternative to taking it to an H-D service department.

Are there any employers who would hire pregnant woman out there?

I was already looking for another job before i found out i was pregnant. I have been looking since my company was taken over and this morning found out im pregnant. Although i still have my redundancy package i need a job

My hard drive isn't working and is asking to format, why? help!?

Try it on an other PC and see if it works... if it doesn't then, unfortunately you'll have to format it and lose everything.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How to keep my posters on the wall?

I have many gaming posters on my walls and I keep them on using glue tacks. But some of these posters are falling down BUT some of them are perfectly fine and never falls. So what should I do? Double side tapes are out of the question because I might replace my posters with newer ones and the tapes are peeling my walls' paints off. So any tips or something else to use or how to use the glue tack properly so they won't fall off again?

I need something to cut with?

first sterilize it give it an alochol bath for an hour. razor. nail. diabities pricks. staples. sharp rock. etc best is a razor

Can anyone tell me why the british government always finds money in its reserves for countries who are skint?

But it puts its own people through cuts, redundancies, closures etc. I don't understand how we allow it. Please explain?


my name is brendan and i am 14 years old, i dont even know what to start with ive tryed to write this 3 times and just cant get it out in words, i haven't told anyone but my best friend and i scared him and now our friendship i feel is dead (or dieing). it started one night when i went to bed and i had serious thoughts of dieing(not doing it my self but just i didn't want to live anymore for no reason) i remember laying down face int my pillow asking to die but every time i was bout to fall asleep i would hear this crack come from my computer and it would startle me, but eventually i felt this seance over my body like i was being lifted up and then spun around, i rose up slowly and looked at the room it had a wired color to it like a grayish blue and there was a noise in the background like a buzzing, then i turned my head to the door it was barley open but there was someone on the other side just standing there (and for some reason i do not remember being over come with fear i just saw it and moved on to the rest of the room) the walls were latterly moving like they were growing but they weren't going any wear, then i turned my head to the shadow i was casting on the wall ( this part was what frightened me the most) there was a black mass over my chest area but my body was totaly flat, then i lifted up my hand and looked at it it looked different more skinny mainly but as i became for and more fascinated with my hand i noticed a black shadow on my arm moving up then grasping my hand then i remeber a strong smell of burning wood, i darted my head away to see a black arm coming out of my wall, it didn't scare me at first then i looked away realized what i just saw and looked back (it was gone) i spent the rest of that night siting up in my bed (i couldn't fall asleep because i had the feeling that someone was watching me and behind me)..after this happened every night i hear the window and computer screen crack right when im about to fall asleep. when it try and goto sleep i have this feeling of pure fear over me along with the feeling of being watched very very closely. a few days ago me and friend were at my house just talking about girls or something when i heard this noise, it was static like from a tv and it would go on and off then it stopped. about an hour later we were listing to this peaceful music and trying to meditate, i felt my phone buzz and i looked at it realy quick it was nothing just a friend saying hey so i didn't reply (im trying to meditating here) so i was going to put it in my pocket when i noticed my reflection my face was all faded (shadowy looking) except for one of my eyes was not covered by this shadow and patches on the left side of my face, i put the phone in my pocket right away and tryed to keep meditating..i herd a noise from up sitars like a band kind of i don't realy know but i opened my eyes and looked at my friend on the couch then all noise's went out the music the birds out side everything and i herd a voice very angrily say "get off the couch" not like a normal person would like echoing kinda? so i told my friend to get off the couch and he did and after that i don't think anything happened. last night i was watching tv pretty late and i got up to goto bed and i have this lamp in the hallway to go up stairs and when i passed it, it was normal but when i was walking up the stairs and i looked back an the lamp was tilted night i can hear this buzzing noise very deep buzzing noise every night when i goto bed. i dont know what this thing is ive done some research and i think it might be a demon, i want to know forshure and i want to know why he is here and what he looks like, i dont know how to communicate with him but i feel like if i did it would help. latly the thing will touch me like brush me slightly or even pinch me... at the moment i am sitting in my room its night and im scared to death, seeing things out of the corners of my eyes and i keep hearing high pitched crackling noise, i realy have the urge to see it or talk to it.. i realy jsut want to know what it is and why its here so i can know what is going on

How do you get a horse to stand still?

i'm riding this horse who is green and i guess she never learned to stand still but when i have her all tacked up and enter the arena and stop in the middle to put down my stirrups she just trys to walk off and since i'm holding on the reins trying to halt her she just walks around me cause thats the only place she can go. another example is when i have her on a halter and lead rope and halt her at the cross ties she tries to keep going but since i'm standing still trying to halt her she walks around me and we have to do circles until she finaly stands straight. i'm sorry if im not clear in my description i'll edit if you don't undersstand

I got a tick bit 3 weeks ago and it still ches and is gray around the bit with little bumps is it infected?

i have been asking my mom to take me to the doctors but shes busy and thinks im over reacting im not sure if the tick was tacking out properly but my grandma did it with a pair of tweezers

How could I get a horse?

After FIVE years I finally got my horse! Don't give up and show that you really love them and you will be able to get one! If you really love them then show your mom!:) GOOD LUCK!

Can I still exercise with shin splints?

I recently started walking everyday, now that school is out. The first day that I did, I got really bad shin splints. I think I over did it the first day. I want to join the tack team next fall at school. Can I still walk, except maybe at a slower pace, then once they heal start running? I have never had them before. I have always only played softball at school. But, now that I will be going into high school, I want to join the track team.

When someone brings an animal to a taxidermist to have it mounted, what happens to the skeleton?

When someone brings an animal to a taxidermist to have it mounted, what happens to the skeleton? I ask because as far as I am aware with my rudimentary knowledge of taxidermy, when they mount an animal, they only actually use the skin, which they tack onto some sort of pre-made mold, so what happens to the skeletons?

Fire works....Neighhhhh bors badddd?

Perhaps you should inform the royal guards at Buckingham Palace. I'm assuming you live near there since you posted this in the royalty forum.

Redundancy procedures for being made redundant ie sickness?

Can someone be made redundant for being off work through the length of time they have had off through sickness in the last current year, is this a good enough reason when someone has been with the company for several years.

Identify size or make of my Riding Boots?

the particular model of boot may be discontinued or revamped into a new model. as for size, you can find a size chart on any of the dealers' websites that give measuring instructions

PLEASE JUST LOOK AND ANSWER. You probably know more than you think!?

I live in East Tennessee. My horses wear medium blankets, and theyre a Thoroughbred and an Arabian. Its all they really need. It DOES get really cold, we had single digits here last winter, but if you let them develop some winter coat and still blanket them and feed them plenty then theyre fine. People think the southern states are pretty warm year round but theyre nottt. It gets cold here. Rambo is a GREAT brand. English tack: Depends on you price range. Pessoa's are my favorite but whew theyre expensive. Collegiates are pretty good for their price. And the saddle size all depends on the shape of your particular horse. I can't say because horses of every breed can be so different. A lot of Thoroughbreds are skinny and have lots of backbone but not all so its difficult to say. You'd just have to get it fitted. Good luck, enjoy the South! Its awesome here! :)

Will I have to pay national insurance if I retire early? (UK only)?

You don't need to pay N.I. but over your working life you have to pay N.I. for a minimum amount of years if you do not you may find that when you reach 65 and are due old age pension this may be slightly reduced, i was advised that i could top up my contributions to get full pension at 65

Acholic father , child abuse?

Okay so , I am 17. I live in Maryland. And my father is an acoholic. He has put me and my grandmother through **** over the course of my life. My mother lives in new york for the record. and I dont have a relationship with her. She use to send me cards all the time but he would put "return to sender" and he has custody of me. but Anyway, he still lives here with his mother, (my grandmother) and she has raised me my whole life. He hasn't done anything for me. My father doesn't let me out the house AT ALL. Im always stuck in the house because if i ever leave he threatens to kill my cat. He has threatened to shoot me and my grandmother before and has called us bitches and sluts. Keep this in mind I just recently graduated. and im a good kid. I dont do drugs. my grades are good. and when i turn 18 which is october 13th. i plan to move with my cousins start college and get a full time job.. But I am also concerned bout the safety of my grandmother. Im afraid he might physically harm her when I am gone. This past day i went to the grocery store with my grandmother, and he put me on punishment for 2 months. and then another month for messing up magnets on the fridge. I tried to have a decent convo with him but he just said leave me alone and i dont wanna talk to you. Some incidents were worse and he has punched walls and broken down doors before. Like I said he has lived in this house his whole life. and he has me and my grandmother terrified. he doesn't pay bills but he works. just to buy his beer and cigarettes. Im tired of going through this with him. He never hit me just for the record. but as far as emotional abuse he has done that. he has even made a homemade paddle out of wood and its about a inch long and says "lindseys paddle" I want to get the police involved somehow because im suffering. He doesn't like people coming over here at all. and he has alineated me and my grandmother from the rest of our family and everyone really. I just dont know what to do anymore,, So if you can help please do!! it would mean alot.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A list of this you need before get a horse and after?

A wheelbarrow and rake for the manure. Some clean shavings or whatever you want to put in the stall. A helmet? I know western riders usually don't wear helmets but I ride English and Western and I always wear a helmet. I don't care if real cowgirls/boys don't wear them it is safer. I have been bucked off before and my helmet saved my life. I would get one if I were you. I think you have most everything. Maybe a salt block? make sure you put it on the ground of the stall so your horse won't eat it right away. Good luck and have fun with your horse!

Shall I give this younger guy a chance even though he doesn't have a job right now? It doesn't bother me..?

Give the decent guy a chance. If he is broke but takes you on a creative date then he might be a good one.

How to make my car not shut down?

I have a 1996 Monte Carlo that shuts down at 104mph. I know it can go faster because it's only tacking at 3 grand out of 5. How can i make my car stop shutting me down. I know it could harm the motor.

Why is my horse rearing?

i agree with previous answers. Just wanted to comment on the egg thing. I tried it once on a rearing horse. Apparently the horse is supposed to think its hurt itself right? And that it shouldnt rear cos it might get hurt(get is blood down the face nonsense that somebody once told me. You know what when a horse thinks it gotten hurt or harm is befalling it it does not stop and go oooh shouldnt do that again it goes oooo my gosh ooo my gosh what the!!!! Freaking out a lot more. Then you end up on the floor like me. Sure he didnt rear me off but he sure as hell bucked. Dunno maybe it was just my horse?

Minecraft Mod Control?

so im running a few mods right now. NetherCraft, Premium Wood, Single Player Commands, and Mo' Creatures. i want to add more creeps and wierdos but i dont want it to mess up my minecraft.jar. i just awnt to know what more creeps and wierdos is and isnt compatible with. (im using beta 1.6.6 still)

Probability: complement of event?

The probability of a calulator working is 0.96 and therefore the probability of it not working is 1-0.96 = 0.04. The probability of two calculators not working is the product of the two = 0.04*0.04 = 0.016 ~ 0.002. So the probability that she will be able to complete her exam with a working calculator is 1-0.002 = 0.998. So she gains an extra 3.8% which is not an awful lot in this case.

Did Evan Rachel Wood really cut herself in the movie thirteen?

No the smoking thing can be done in different ways to make it look real .... Same thing goes with cutting's a really good movie though

Magic Mushrooms in hamilton?

I'm curious to know where magic mushrooms are located most commonly , i am doing a bit of research about them... i know they grow in wet cold places, also in dung and wood Chipping's, please answer maturely .

What can I do to cover up the wire?

you shouldnt use a cage with a wire bottom at all.the animal will get sore hocks. (bottom of feet) it doesn't matter how much bedding you use. all rodents and rabbits burrow. there willbe stuff all iver no matter what you do.

Tips and hints for condition and turnout classes?

the white marks on her legs can be covered up by getting this spray paint they use on black angus for cattle shows to hide their imperfections. They probably have a version of horses too I believe? I am guessing she has a black tail also so you could put the "spray paint" over the grey area. That is just a couple of my ideas :)

What is the status of Stratford college of management 247-251 wood street London E17 3NT?

i want to ask,this college is affilatted or not?specially this campus which i have showed in above question.and the sponsor license no. of this campus is, 6XM8Q7MB4.please tell me briefly.

Should I follow up a job rejection?

It's worth considering that they don't want to hire you again for whatever reason. To make a b.s. excuse such as not answering 2 questions as well as the #1 guy - when they know you can do the job and have worked there before - tells me they just don't want to hire you back. It can't hurt to follow up, but if you don't hear from them again, just move on.

What is the best way to approach my parents on this?

tell them now! before they buy it just say its ok if i don't get the laptop i like my old one. we need the money anyway. hope this helps bro

My Sims 3 Game won't download?

Hey, I've downloaded my game before but I haven't played it in awhile and now it won't download anymore. Each time I try to download it it says File:E:\ GameData\ Shared\ Packages\ FullBuild1.package and then Error: Data Error (cyclic redundancy check) I cant delete it out of the folder because it is not there in the Computer : C but it is on the disk and I can't delete that anyway. If you could please help me it would be the best. Thanks!

Looking for opinions on a new CoD Zombie perk!?

Deadshot Daqueri is steady aim but yeah that and it should make it to where you CANNOT hurt yourself with explosives.

I need a letter template to ask my my old job back!? - try this online tools for career advice and resume writing before looking for new job.

A senstive time @ an organisation !!?

My organisation is going through a redundancy of employment.. And i shall conduct a short meetig to all of my employees as a manager. What should i say and how to keep them optimistic and understanding for the current situation. Putting in mind that i might be one of those whom the organisation might release as i have an invitation for a meeting at the HR department and all of my staff knows that.

Homemade breyer tack?

YOUTUBE IS AWESOME! t has many tutorials on breyer. All you need to type in is how to make an __________ or tutorial on ________ and that's it! If your on facebook i really recommend taking a look at Silver Lake Stables she is an awesome breyer tack maker and such an example to the other people who make the tack!

How do I get full spin control in Tiger Woods 12 instead of backspin only?

I played this game with a friend before and while using his golfer I could use the spin control in full (add spin in any direction). Now that I have the game and my own golfer I'm limited to just backspin (or no spin). What do I need to have or do to be able to fully control the spin? Oh and this is for xbox360 in case that matters.

Can my boss offer me another job instead of redundancy?

If my job becomes redundant, can my boss make me take on another role in the company rather than pay me a redundancy?

I need a dream explanation please!?

a wolf was wandering around wherever i was, i think it was a cabin in the woods. it was the middle of winter... the wolf looked through the window at me. Its eyes were glowing white and it seemed as if he could see in my soul... then he tried desperatly to break through the window but he couldnt! he was trying to KILL me! eventually he gave up and ran away but he really wanted me DEAD.

I left Pyodine in my drawer a ,long time back, and it spilled, & I didn't see it til later. How can I remove?

It looks like solid almost, it won't budge...things get stuck to it. My drawer is wooden...or it appears to be wood...I live in a very hottt climate...

What kind of alto saxophone mouthpiece for a post-bop sound?

Hello everyone, I'm a recent high school graduate and jazz alto saxophone player. I play a Yamaha YAS-82 Custom Z with a Rovner leather ligature and up until now I've used a Vandoren V16 A6 mouthpiece. I use LaVoz medium strength reeds. I've had my Vandoren mouthpiece for years and it's been excellent, however the rails have gotten dinged up over time and the mouthpiece doesn't always seal. I'd like to buy a new mouthpiece before college. I've been working on getting a post bop alto sound (Jim Snidero, Art Pepper, Phil Woods, etc.) so I wanted to know what kind of mouthpiece would best suit me. I plan on going to a music store in New York and trying out several different models, but I'd like to have an idea of what I'm looking for. I'm considering simply buying a new Vandoren V16. I'm willing to spend up to $250 and I really don't think anything higher would be practical. I'll take any and all suggestions, thank you!

My sims 3 ambitions isnt installing?

i installed sims 3 on my computer and i updated it and i tried installing sims 3 ambitions and it stops halfway there and says 'File: e:Game\Bin\Gameplay\GameplayData.package Error: Data Error (cycling redundancy check)' and I dont know what to do?? pleaseeee helppppp :p

If you were me what would you do? horse question?

i've got a trakehner. who is 22, we've been working on saddle seat for about a year. and she took to it pretty well. i've been riding saddle seat for about 2 years. but i've recently changed barns and they are pushing me (in a nice "oh you should try it just once" way) to switch to hunt seat. and i really don't know what to do right now. i am comfortable with saddle seat. i have tall boots and a hunt seat coat (i use to ride hunt seat) but the tall boots the zipper got broken on consignment, and the tack shop can't prove that they were broken before i put them on consignment and i need to get new breeches because my mom dripped bleach on the butt when she was washing them. i can't do both as i only ride walk/trot. here are two short videos of me riding saddle seat, a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a i know my equitation sucks so don't say anything about that. if you were me, what would you do, go with the flow and swtich to hunt seat, or say screw them all and stick with saddle seat.

2x data redundancy for hard disks?

For every n gigabytes do you keep n gigabytes for backup? I feel its pretty gunslinger to not have any backup but am I overdoing it? Whenever I buy a drive I always buy in 2s

Monday, August 8, 2011

Should i Keep my new dressage saddle? ( PLEASE HELP!)?

So the other day me and my mom went to a tack store looking fro just a few things. Instead she bought me a new dressage saddle... it was on scratch and dent sale ( barely had any on it) for 400. It fits my horse, but when i rode in it for the first time it was a bit uncomfortable and my leg kept on getting caught on the flap. i wasnt really looking for a saddlle and i feel bad because i know that we can barely afford it. the store gave us a 7 day trial and im thinking about returning it. i also feel bad because it has been my moms dream since she was a little girl riding to get a dresage saddle.. Help!! im torn!

How to set up an archery range safely for kids maybe not real arrows?

We want to set up an archery range on our land where we're having a little market. I would like to have some activity for kids to do and thought maybe an archery range, because we have a wooded area that would be perfect. Is anyone familiar with something like this that might not have real arrows? I'm just worried some kid might turn and take a few people out. So I thought maybe those suction cup ones maybe? Also, how could I set up fun targets that could be knocked down, but then easily set back up? Any creative thinkers out there? Thanks

Can someone please help me find the creepy legend about the couple in the playground at night?

Okay. So there's this old story and I'm sure it's called Edge of the Playground or something like that, but I can't find it anywhere. Anyway, it's about this boy and girl who are going to a school dance in the boy's new car, and when the dance is over they don't want to go home yet, so the boy takes her to the playground of his old school. They're on the swings and this weird creature comes out of the woods and they run away and all that. Could somebody please help me find it? Thanks to anyone that answers.

Maternity benefits while claiming Jobseekers. Can anyone help?

You need to state if you have a partner with you or if you will be a lone parent for this question to be answered fully :-\

I don't know what to do? Who to lease? *Sigh*?

if i were you i would look for a different horse to lease and possibly stable at the barn where you are working. none of the horses you mentioned sound like good prospects for someone leasing for the very first time

Horse is over jumping?

Have him trot and jump it for a bit and don't give him so much room to trot so instead of a good running start only about 10-15 ft of a trotting start. Maybe before you started using him he was used for a high jumper or he had a bad accident jumping and now he is worried about not clearing the jump. and if he is a quarter horse they have strong hind quarters so it would be natural

Where can i get a 16 hand high or a 17 hand high riding horse?

I want to get a riding horse from a sanctuary but i don't know where to look. I cannot pay big money for the horse though. I have all the tack: Saddle,bridal, Numnagh. I also have experience as i use to ride but gave it up as i got a serious fright with my old pony. I also worked in a Equestrian centre too. I have horses that i do in hand showing with. THANKS!!!!!

What is your view on neon colored tack?

Just out of curiosity I was wondering what you guys thought about bright colored tack... such as the saddle pad, reins, boots, etc. Some colors I don't like because it makes you look like a walking traffic cone or something... but other colors look good on SOME horses, not all.

Best way to set up a home NAS with 8-10 Hard drives?

i rather setup one more PC with 8 sata ports and use it as a server (storage), what are the advantages? faster access, better cooling system, security protected, online accessibility in the future just in case you want to.

Magnetic Paint and Neodymium Magnets?

My guess, the magnetic paint is not effective, perhaps not even available. Long ago a company planned to market tin plated steel foil as a substitute for aluminum foil. If you can find some, you could put it on the wall with wall paper paste. Even the 3 mm magnets should hold the posters on the steel foil, but you may have to use about 12 magnets to hold a large poster reliably. Neil

Should I get a new hard drive?

Yes get a new one id go with a 1tb HDD or if you want top of the line that is superfast and wont break they have new tech called Solid State Drive(SSD) and this is flash memory and has no moving parts in it like an HDD which had the spinning disk and what not which wear out

Help with this anime? identify please!!!!!!?

i was watching a anime about a girl and her two friends ( boys). they walk in woods or something while walking to school, then they fall into this ancient world. i don't know whats its called and i don't know how to find it. another i remember is she has a powers............ i think seven different kinds or something. if you have a idea or know what it is please help!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Witcher 2 Problem installing?

Hi i just bought the witcher 2 retail version and i go to install it and im getting data error cyclic redundancy check. I dont know why it is not installing i have never had a problem ever installing a game i even installing two worlds 2 on my comp yesterday and that installed fine but this wont.Does anyone know why?

Is it bad that I'm starting to find myself pretty attractive?

Of course it's not bad! It's a really good thing! Because if you're not going to start thinking you're pretty sooner or later, it's just going to ruin your life, because you'd always be depressed at your appearance and all. Don't worry, you're starting to have more and more self-confidence, and since you're getting older, your having lots of changes. That's a good thing though that you're finding yourself pretty at an early age already for girls who are like "us". Because usually, the ones who don't find themselves pretty, it takes them ages till they'll ONLY accept themselves. So yeah, it's not a bad thing at all, as long you won't be hard headed and put your nose up to other people. =p If you get what I mean. xD;

ENGLISH RIDERS: just out of curiosity..... ?

I ride Western, but I don't compete. So I'm not used blinged out saddles. I'm going to learn English, but I really don't mind the tack. The bling is just expensive and too flashy for me. And it'll be nice once I start English and I show. People tack can't be more blinged out than mine[:

Should I sell this horse or give him a chance?

This is pretty typical of a older lesson horse. Since they haven't had too many good riders they pick up really bad habits. I would probably sell because a) you have a buyer b) your mom doesn't want to actually ride THIS horse c) you don't like him and d) I'm guessing you already have your own horse. Why spend time and energy working with a horse that doesn't have too much potential to start off with, especially one that isn't yours?

How do I cope with redundancy?

I am 66 this year and have been made redundant along with all my colleagues. I feel as though I will have no reason to get up each day because I have no purpose. I have worked all my life, brought up 3 children and have 8 Grandchildren. Unfortunately, they are not a part of my life as I haven't seen any of them for 5 years. We are, however, constantly in touch. I have a partner who has been glued to the couch for the last 6 years and I don't wish to become 'stuck' in his world. I know you will all say get a hobby, get a life but, I don't want a hobby I want a PURPOSE, I want to feel valued!

How should I decorate my room? Help please D:?

I really like the bedding. You should definitely add some red accents...maybe red candles, picture frames, etc

Tying up problem? Help please!?

there's one problem about most thoroughbreds,well ex race horses at least, is if they feel pressure they usually pull AGAINST it, so maybe tying him up to twine is better so that if he does pull against it, he will get away without hurting himself or anyone else.

Im looking for a book for sewing (stitches and tacking methodes)?

im doing dressmaking classes and my instructions on stitch methods and tacking/ basting methods dont have enough detail and or pictures to help me understand how its done, im pretty confused, does anyone know the name of any books stat will help teach me sall types of stitching and tacking (basting) methods?

Whats the best way to make a collapsible table?

Im making a beer pong table out of an 8 by 4 piece of wood, Its a project just to keep me occupied during the summer while im not at work and bored. I bought collapsible legs that I am going to drill into it and i want to cut holes in it so the cups dont move, My problem is getting the table to collapse. I really want to put a hinge on the table but im not sure how to or what kind of hing i would use, Do i cut the table in half and attach the hinges to both sides and it will work then? Sorry I never really learned how to do much wood working.

5 day horse show checklist, corrections?

Sounds perfect! Just make sure you get emergency Information to put on a stall door that has your name as owner or whoever owns the horse, if not you. and an in case of emergency on call vet phone # I know we all hate to think something could go wrong, but just in case! :) good luck!

Would it seem that we need to have a top to bottom redundancy check of the federal government?

any overlapping agency responsibilities need to be streamlined, and the corresponding middle management personnel positions need to be eliminated

How can I get financial help now I'm out of work?

I've recently been made redundant, but I received very little redundancy as I had only worked for the company for three years. I'm claiming Job Seekers Allowance but have been told I won't get any other help until the middle of June. My bank account is near zero and I don't know where to go to get financial assistance

I really want a bunny!!?

I have a rabbit, his name is Billy:) I keep him in a cage indoors, thats probably whats safest for them. Just get a carrier when you go from house to house, and carry the cage with you, but I think the traveling would stress the rabbit out, so just keep him at one parents house, unless your parents wont take care of it while youre away.

What size tank is suitable for my Cichlids?

a 40B would be fine for life, get it pretty quick though. Think about adding a syndontis cat, you'll have room. Think about adding a little frozen food and or some live red wiggler worms, veggie flakes.

What do I need to know about my new guinea pig?

i dont think you ever will, i think every guinea pig is like that well all mine have been, whenever you go over to the cage door there running everywere and when you try to get them out the same thing, but when you get them in your hands they calm down and liked to be stroked. but i dont think your ever going to stop it bein jumpy. it should be alright with that food until you can get some proper guinea pig food, try feed it some carrots or cabbage, brocolli. but it should be fine with rabbit food it wil leave the bits he doesnt want

Does a retiring small business owner have to pay redundancy to their staff?

My neighbours run a small business, it is NOT a limited company. The husband is 65 now and starting to find the physical work difficult, The wife is keen for him to retire so that he can take it easier and they can enjoy themselves before his age catches up with him. However he is worried that if he retires now their savings will be wiped out by paying their other staff redundancy money as this will add up to over �20k. Therefore he feels that he will need to keep working for a few more years in order to save more money. If they give their employees a lot of notice, say over a year, that they will cease to trade on a certain date, do they still need to pay them redundancy money? This would give them plenty of time to find other jobs, and they could leave before the day trading ceased if they wished. My neighbours are lovely people and would be glad to pay the staff if they could afford it but as things stand it will be a real struggle.

Can a Son and Mother work together in the same place?

There is nothing in British law to say this is wrong. The lady already has experience in the job and the son knows she can be trusted. She will not be posting spiteful comments on the Internet.

Help Lyrics.Musical Audition?Into the woods.I want to go home?

I am auditioning for into the woods in a couple of months and im preparing early because i have some tuff competition . I am 16 and I will be 16-17 during Into the woods. I am 5'10 im normal sized I sing tenor i have long blonde hair but im cutting it for auditions. i am singing I want to go home from BIG the musical.I am having trouble finding the lyrics. Help and any suggestions?

I Really Need Help! It's Important?

I have been having problems with my horse, Raymey. She is a TB/QH cross, appendix QH if you prefer, she stands 16.1 hands tall or so and is jet black. She was once a polo horse. She is eight or nine years old, not registered. Anyway, lately she has gotten into the habit of refusing to work at random points in our rides. Sometimes at the walk, sometimes at the trot, and most often when I ask her to canter. She'll canter fine on one lead, but the other she refuses to pick up. She actually won't even canter on that track. But my biggest problem is when she does this at a walk or trot, because my beginner friend is taking her on a trail ride with me this weekend. I want to know why she's doing this. What she does is pin back her ears toss her head and refuse to go. I can MAKE her, but once had her rear when I tried. I don't want this to happen to my friend. I think she is trying to tell me something, but I'm having a hard time figuring out what it is. Her legs and hooves seem fine, though there is an old injury on one hind leg that is proud flesh now. Could that be bothering her? I've seen no other signs of lameness. She does, when she canters in the field, lower her head to a few inches above the ground and toss it. Does that mean anything or is she just enjoying herself? Another thing I've noticed is that she didn't used to do this. She would stop and not want to start again, but she was much less firm about not starting again. She has NEVER reared before that one time. Which is why I think something is wrong. I've checked her tack and it all seems to fit well, but I did get a new pad that is built up in the shoulders (I didn't know this on the phone with the person selling it and both my mom and my grandpa kind of pushed me to get it even though I wasn't thrilled about the built up front) and I was wondering if that could be making the saddle fit less comfortably for her. I've checked for injuries and sore areas and have so far found none. So, what do you guys think? PLEASE answer, I will choose best and answer any of your questions that I can!

Im willing to work, What can I do to get a horse? ?

it's kind of hard to understand what exactly you are asking. if you're asking if you should give up your dream of getting a horse, the answer is a big NO! i was in a similar situation with the mom saying yes and the dad not so happy about it (and i'm 19! almost 20!!) but i made it clear that i would pay for everything it would need and now i have a gelding (as of march) and soon i will have a foal as well! :) so definitely don't give up! and I would suggest getting 2 horses because horses are herd animals and they need the company of other horses. if that isn't what you're asking you might want to add some details to your question.

If a horse dumps you once, do you think theyd do it again?

I know this is a really broad question and theres no way to truly answer it because every situations different and theres lots of things to consider. but just wanted to hear what you guys think. my horse started bucking today and im pretty sure it was from something bothering him either something stung him, pinched hime etc idk. but we had been riding for a while and he was doing fine and he suddenly started bucking. its seemed out of the blue to me but of course i couldve missed some signs. i fell off but instead of running back to the barn he just continued buck for about a min even though i had already came off ( which is why i think something was bothering him). then he stopped and i went and got him, checked and felt all underneath him, checked my tack, walked him a little bit, then got back on and didnt have any more problems. i know horses learn from pressure and release so thats what got me thinking: if they realize by bucking they can get rid of you, do you think theyd do it again? i dont mean in my particular case and again, i know theres not really a solid answer to this question because every situation varies, but just wanted to hear your responses. i dont blame my horse for bucking and i solely believe that a horse is a reflection of the person riding/handling it so i know something went on that I missed that caused him to do that or maybe i did something to cause it without realizing it. so dont bother telling me you think he was just being a brat, barn sour, blahblahblah. i dont wanna hear it. hes a horse and thats all i expect him to be. and dont bother telling me to get a trainer. my horse is my trainer, and this was the first time hes ever done that. im not depending on your answers to figure out why he did it, if he'll do it again, what i shouldve done etc. i just like to hear what different horse people say and how they view things. Thanks.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

What is a leather loop for on a crop?

My brother is convinced that the leather loop near the base of the handle on a crop (whip for use on a horse's shoulder and behind your leg) is so that you don't drop it... It's for hanging it up in a tack room, right? It's actually dangerous to have your hand through the loop because it might get caught somewhere on the saddle, and it will restrict your hand movement, and if you fall off you can injure your arm/hand if your hand is through the loop.

Can anyone help me start a Tribe?

My friends and I have an idea. We want to start a tribe! We found a great place for a camp to start. But I need more ideas, I'm creative but I can't think of anything. This camp is in the woods by a stream. there are medium sized cliffs with moss on them. Any building ideas? Weapon ideas? Also I want a beast sounding name that puts fear into people kind of like the Marauders in the Red Faction game. A name like that. Any ideas? Any ideas for military or trading? We already have a neighboring tribe which is actually kind of weird and we were thinking of get airsoft guns and attacking them because they have airsoft guns too. Should we negotiate or threaten? I know I'm really serious about this but my friends and I had no ideas.

Is it harder to ride english than western?

Not really, you just have a different balances in English. But once you get used to riding english it isn't really any harder then western at all. But I ride both so it's easy for me to ride english as I have adjusted and everything. But to me its not harder but you just have to get used to riding that style, cause like I said you kinda ride with a few different muscles and have different areas of balance.

What is a good list of basic tack supplies i should have ?

All I want is a list of basic tack I should have ready when I get my horse. I can always add more later after I figure out what works best for both me and my horse

How can i convince my trainer that i am ready to start helping her train ponies?

She will tell you when you're ready, not the other way around. I don't want to be nasty but if you want to play with a horse, find a well broke adult horse to play with. Sure, youngsters are cute and fluffy and your new best friend, but when they want to be they are also biting, kicking, rearing, dangerous wild animals. And they need expert handling. If you get it wrong you can wreck them for life, or put yourself at risk.

Horse show horrors?......................…

Anyone want to share some horse show horror stories? I just went to a show and everything that could go wrong did, and it would be amusing to hear some of your stories! so at mine my normally hard to handle but controlable horse wen NUTS he bucked even at the walk (nothing was wrong with back/teeth/bit/saddle) he was just excited, I twisted my ankle cantering (lost my stirrup in an odd way and twisted it) my horse spook and scrambled back into a group of young girls on ponies (he's a kicker also) thankfully no one was hurt, and he got mad when his haybag went empty so he left 20 6 inch teeth marks on my trainers BRAND NEW 3 horse trailer w/ dressing and tack room. he just decided to run his teeth down over it again and again, (we were collecting ribbons though so we wernt their to stop him) he also pawed a foot deep hole. anything like this happen to you guys?

Mw2 PS3 achievements/ level / guns ?

If anyone would be nice enough to hack me by unlocking the guns and achievements for me it would be appreciated name is Rat-Attack-Tack message me and tell me

I found a fisher cat in my backyard?

i have the same problem a guy down the street has a couple in the backyard in the woods and he said he'll shoot them if they come out (he's a hunter)

My pony seems unhappy what do I do?

Maybe the vet should check her out. I'm not saying you aren't taking good care of her, but sometimes horses have problems that we can't physically see. I don't think it's right that she is acting up now that it's spring. I'm not sure how she acts when you ride her or during turn out, but make sure she doesn't act abnormal during turn out. Hope you find what's wrong!

Can i spray paint my longboard?

So i made a longboard deck out of a wooden plank (redwood), and i stained it with white wood paint, then i spray painted it blue and green, then i did the gel thing and sprayed it black. it looked good and stuff, but the paint looked like it was cracking and stuff, then the paint just came off. So what is a better way to spray paint your board?

Employment & Redundancy Help?

I was made redundant in February and was given just 1 week notice. I had a job interview during this time which i had to travel a distance to so i took the day off (i also had holidays) when i got my last wage i was short paid for the day i took off. I have since found out that the company have hired another person even tho they told me they could not afford my wages. I received my P45 which was dated October when i left February and now they are telling people (my friends and friends of my family) that i was sacked. What can i do????

Sewing felt to stretchy fabric?

I'm trying to make a dance costume by sewing felt shapes onto a unitard. I'm thinking that I should pin the shapes to the unitard while it is being worn (no shapes will go over elbows, knees, or other joints), and then tack on the shapes with a few well placed stitches at the center of each shape to allow for stretching to still occur. Does this plan seem feasible?

ASAP Sims 3 PC HELP!!!?

Try to copy all stuff in the CD and make a new Folder in the desktop and paste it. Then start the Setup from there, if copy does not work, try to copy 1 by 1 ( it's mean after copy 1 file, get the cd out, then copy the other file....... i know it's bad but it's work for me!

Bokken swords: wooden vs. cold steel?

Me and my friend are having this Zombie-apocalypse survival kit making contest, so by the end of it we can have people vote on who they think would survive longest. I've chosen a wooden sword/bokken as my main weapon, because one: I am a HUGE anime fan and thus like Japanese swords a lot, two it seems light to hold and to be low maintenance, and three it seems like it would be a decent weapon. But reading the reviews on these swords on Amazon, it seems that these things are not unbreakable. I have around 20$ left in my budget. I can either buy two wooden bokkens ( , or one cold steel bokken( ) . Honestly though, I don't think a wooden bokken would fall apart from brains/skull-smashing alone(zombie apocalypse, remember?). BUT a steel one is obviously more durable and can be used to break stuff, also doesn't rot like wood sometimes might. I'm leaning towards the wooden ones right now mainly because the wooden ones have cord-wrapped handles, which I like a lot(and the second one would go great with my shinigami cosplay), and I get two. What do you guys think? which one should I get?

What to do about my depression?

Hi im 16. I've been depressed for about a year. Heres my story: A year ago I began to notice i was depressed. I've always been a little shy but had friends. All my friends started to smoke weed so I eventually joined in. I really enjoyed it and new that it was given to people who are depressed for medical purposes in California. i smoke up until a couple months ago when my parents found out. Now I am drug tested regularly. I won't be able to smoke or do any other drugs until im 18 a whole year and a half away. Now i am depressed more than ever. Thoughts of loneliness and self loathing walk through my mind like it has a revolving door. I have no dreams or aspirations and am very cynical at the redundancy of life. I am extremely irritable but at least I'm still a monster at black ops. what should I do?

Need info about taking quadsuits on a plane. Help?

as long as its in the cargo hold of an airplane, it shouldn't present a problem. however, some airlines have a policy that you have to pay for a second bag, or in your case box, so be prepared for that

I need help,nobody understands?

i understand a little bit what u mean. some of this is probaly caused by low self esteem. if u work on that, ur current problems may improve. if u ever need anything tho u can email me at and ill b there 4 ya :) just remind me who u r and what ur problem was and stuff cuz i can b kinda forgetful :p

How does this group of fish together sound?

i have a 60g tank. it is lightly planted with drift wood and plenty of hiding space in rocks. i want to get these fish... 2 bottom feeders (any suggestions?), two bala sharks, 3 angel fish, and an eel. how does this combination sound. i Research it and didn't find anything about any of the fish that said that they would get along with the other tank mates.

Is there a difference between gay women & lesbians?

The phrase "Gay & Lesbian" usually refers to the man being the "Gay", and the women "Lesbian". Men are more usually known as gay. Lesbian is what you'd usually call a woman attracted to the same sex, but females can be called gay, there's no real difference.

Decorating tips for college dorm?

i'm starting college in the fall, and i'm not sure how to decorate my dorm. i know that i want a black/white zebra stripe comforter with one set of light pink sheets and one set of hot pink sheets. but other than that i'm not sure what to do. basically the rules are: no nails/tacks in the wall, no blocking emergency lights/smoke detectors/fire exits, and no destroying furniture. any ideas?

What wood is safe for degus?

Iv looked at the degu safe wood on but i dont know where to buy kiln dried pine. Will normal sheets of pine from a hardware store do - is this kiln dried before processed & sold? Im in Ireland so would appreciate any info on where to purchase it. I want to make shelves from it & i know they will chew it to next to nothing but i dont mind that, just what it to be safe for them to do so.

Rewinding a used 120 film starting on the first frame for double exposure?

You will have to go into a complete dark place and re-spool the film back on its original spool. NO light can be in the room when you do this, not from under the door or anywhere....

How can i talk loud/yell and not bug my parents?

Ok, Im 15. I live in an INCREDIBLY boring town, only enjoyment i get without having friends over is Xbox Live. And i always have fun yelling at people acting like im serious when im not, just for the hell of it lol, people think its funny. My parents dont care about my language too much (swearing) but they hate when they can hear me from downstairs and yell at me. i cant board up everything, but how can i make it where they cant hear me while still yelling, i have thin wood floors if it matters, thanks

Should I get a thoroughbred??? Opinions please!!?

That's such a tempting situation, but you've definitely got valid concerns... Personally, I'd be most worried about a sudden emergency. If your parents wouldn't help out, and you don't have a bunch of money stashed away, you would be stuck in a really bad situation. Have you taken the cost of grain and hay into account too? If you don't already have one, you'd probably want to get a job for the vet, farrier, feed, potential board if you chose the $40-60 a month (what a find, closest barn to me is $1,000), and even save up for potential emergency vet bills... Then a job, school, and regular horse duties seems like a LOT to handle. It's definitely tempting, and maybe you are an amazingly disciplined person with great time management skills, but from an outside view that seems like a pretty challenging situation.

I'm thinking of going self-employed but worried about the book-keeping and paperwork?

I'm facing redundancy and thinking of going self-employed. I'll obviously have to get myself an accountant, but i really don't know where to start with all the things that i'll need to do. I've asked my friend who has been self-employed for years and she said there's not much to it, but she's good with numbers and i'm not. Is it a total headache?

What would you do? Or what have you done?

he is an athlete AND alcoholic? cos , honey, NORMAL men do not get drunk unconcious and piss themselves. well, at least none of mine ever did. so it will continue, then he will not be an athlete anymore - sport and alcohol are not compatible - and u will be out of job and u will all live on unemployed benefits. does it sound like any prospect? if i were u i would dump him, get full time job, get a sitter and continue with my life. and yes, u re right - first get redundant part time people. so maybe u start thinking what do u do now

Need help with trying out SATA to USB Hard Drive Adapter?

Nope, you don't need any more drivers and sadly you may not be able to recover anything because of the error message you describe. A cyclic redundancy check error means the platters and/or spinning engine might have got damaged, but on the other hand, there's a chance that the external enclosure isn't the best way to try to recover your files since it goes through an interface conversion and other technical matters. Try to have it checked in another computer with the proper direct connection and ask for checking the S.M.A.R.T. health status reports of the drive. If it's still workable, then it's not for the long run and you have to get your data backed up as soon as possible, before the drive dies. Look for professional tech help in order to get this done with a positive result.

How do you study for the Lsats without buying their classes?

Kaplin or Prinston review. I talked to them and they said the only way you can get their book is if you sign up for their classes. Which is how they get you. I'm trying to get theirs classroom books WITHOUT class. I don't need an instructor I really really don't. Also which is better kaplin or Princeton review. Also do you need good grammer and written abilities to do good on the test> Cause I don't have that. I'm a electrical engineer major. Any advice you can tack onto that or pointers or anything would be great too. Go ahead and ramble about it.

Stacking wood for drying?

Both methods work well however, there are advantages to the traditional method. Rodents are more likely to inhabit the Teepee which means more snakes. when the wood is stacked traditionally, you can see into the cracks before you reach for a piece of wood. much safer. Also, make sure to stack away from the house at least 20 feet or so. that way you are less likely to get rats or snakes in the house.

Where can i get a kit to learn swedish?

my little cousin is swedish and i want to learn swedish so i can talk to her. where can i do that please answer . Tack(thank you) she taught me that lOl

What is a cyclic redundancy check and how do i fix it?

i had a game for about 5 years and i got a new computer and it can't install because of a cyclic redundancy check

Good place to watch fireworks and bbq in overland park, Ks?

I was wondering if anyone knew of a park that is a good place to bbq and watch the fireworks around the overland park and olathe area? Somewhere that's not too busy like shawnee mission park or corporate woods. But somewhere that it is still close enough to see the fireworks show.

How can I get a prototype manufactured in Canada?

Ok so i have my prototype for an innovated product, a website and a registered company name. How can I get this rough model produced on a grand scale and have modifications made on it so it will look like an actual product (plastic frame with foam and other stuff.) it's made of wood and foam.

Help with conclusion for research paper?

So the topic is Religion Causes War. I had to argued the opposite and talked about all other factors that would stimulate war, political and social agendas, etc. I used examples of wars that back it up, and I talked about how they didn't have anything to do with a religion. sorry for redundancy. Help me please though. At least a first concluding sentence please.

I'm looking for a little inspiration for my business but am limited by the way I think could anyone help?

My friend's daughter's husband, yes believe it, works for a smallish electronics company, helps his brother with a Sky aerial business and does some electrical repairs. He does have quite abig house now and three young children ! Hope this helps.

Rate this poem please! be brutal as u want?

I'd say it's rather mediocre however i believe with a bit of practice you will get a lot better at it. Fundamentally you should hold a decent point in poetry and also have it structured well with the write words in the right context with moderation and creativity. Also it's usually preferred with no cursing present, poetry is an art of classiness and immaturity holds no place in good poetry. In my opinion the two keys to good poetry are firstly a profound and solid point which often lies in a projection of a sense of justice or anything else which holds some merit of maturity for itself. The second key is that of structure and vocabulary. the novice will use simple rhymes like cat and mat and also string them together in ways that seem forced and not fluent as if it were properly spoken. Not sure if you were actually interested in this type of response but if you're keen on poetry this should make sense as some simple guidelines.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Copying a DVD movie it seems "DATA ERROR(CYCLIC REDUNDANCY CHECK) How can i copy those movies ? Please help !?

You can download and try dvd decryptor. Do a Google search on that. And you would find the software that would help.


So heres what happened. I was in a tent in the woods, wearing cargo pants and and a lace top (obviii) with my crush caleb and we decided to play with the Ouija board. It was going really great and the ghost was answering all of these questions. I all of a sudden felt a huge sexual desire towards the ghost. I wanted him soooo badly, but he is dead. I don't know how to break this news to my crush, as I just lost my virginity to him, like a half hour before the Ouija board. What should i do???

Should I keep going up to this abandoned house?

I was jogging a few days ago and I came across this old abandoned house in a neighborhood lot that never got worked on. Its doors and windows are boarded up with wood panels, there are holes in the walls of the house, whatever windows aren't boarded are smashed in and distorted. The garage is filled with debris and windblown things like pinestraw. It's really creepy and that's why I'm drawn to it! There is no driveway so I have to walk through a ton of brush to get there and it's really overgrown. I find pieces of clothing everywhere. It's just really interesting but is there any harm in going up to it every day?

How to put music on my ipod witout using itunes at all.?

i cant download itunes at all for sum reason cuz i have a Cyclic redundancy check problem wit and apple file. so it wont let me download itunes at all. so does anyone no how i cn add music to my ipod witout use itunes at all?

What kind of insurance do I need for my mud tack?

I want to start a mud obstacle course for 4x4 trucks on my property. If I am going to charge people for admissions and issue prizes what kind of insurance should i have? About how much should this insurance cost me?

When feeling really down is it ok to make urself feel better by comparing urself to others who are worse off?

Coward. Take responsibility. There are even more better off than you (like me). Neither should matter.

Can my employer make compulsory redundancies if they have sufficient volunteers?

My employer has issued us(100+ staff) with a notice of the threat of redundancy. They have asked for volunteers for redundancy but rumour has it that they have rejected some of these on the basis of length of service & the cost of the redundancy package. Can they still therefore make people compulsory redundant if they have sufficient volunteers?

Do I need to visit a doctor?

I heard you can get the disease or whatever called tetnus by stepping on like a nail or a tack. Well I just got a splinter in my foot and then when I took it out it started bleeding. Ive had lots of splinters before but they never bled before. Dhoul I see a doctor or am I fine from a splinter??

I need some ideas to make my tack purple...?

So, I am going to a show this weekend, and it is in remembrance of a young girl who died while riding. Her favourite colour was purple, so we are supposed to wear purple, and use our purple tack if we have any. Unfortunately, my horse's colour is blue, so I mostly have blue stuff. I have a purple saddle pad and halter, but that's about it. I was thinking about putting purple vet wrap over my horse's boots and possibly braiding my horse's mane with purple ribbon, but what else could I do? It's a barrel show, so it doesn't have to be fancy or anything.

What redundancy package?

i have worked in my full time job for a little under 8 years, i get paid monthly. what can i exspect to get legally as a redunacy package??? some say i will get 8 weeks and others say 8 months pay as i get paid monthly????

Redundancy money paid by mistake?

The City Council I am working for issued me with a redundancy notice 3 months ago. In the end they were finally able to find me a new post but got my redundancy money paid. As I raised the issue with my line manager, she told me to keep this money in my back account until instructions were given to me from HR. One week ago a letter came through the post saying that I had to come into an agreement with my line manager as to how the money would be paid before 3 months time. Because of this letter I decided to expend part of the money and pay for it in installments over a period of time. However, a fax came through today at work saying I have to give this money back straight away or else I won't be included in the payroll for my next wages. Because this is not my mistake, and because the contradictory instructions given to me in these letters, I am a bit worried I might come up against something when I have never done anything wrong. There are other people like me in the same situation at work who have also been required to give this money back. All I am asking is where the Law stands in all of this and whether they can issue me with a compulsory dismissal because of this. My boss says if I don't give this money back to HR before the end of the month I will automatically sack myself. I don’t refuse to pay for this money, but I haven’t got the full amount of it.

Usb mixer drum recording?

USB doesn't have enough bandwidth to record any more than a few tracks at a time. You would want to look into a fire wire mixer or interface to be able to record many tracks at once. You could also look into a porta-studio with enough capacity to record your drums all at once.

I hate my parents!!!!!!!!!!?

Gilr i hate them to there so unfair to you lets kill them and run to canada.....we could marry mounties and get our own horsies!

Question to all people out there with strict parents?

jeez that stinks, sorry i dont have strict parents but your completely right it is summer vacation just go out with friends and try to ignore them because you are probably smart and will do great in life :)

The witcher 2 wouldn't install?

Could be your disk drive is having problems if it won't even start installing. As for getting it onto the other computer find the folder where the game is and copy it to public documents. Then go to your computer you want it on and find said computer on the network. Then copy the folder over. Launch the .exe and see what happens good luck and the game is really fun. Here is a review

Roping reins or split reins ?

buying tack for my new horses. I ride western but do jumping. should I get roping or split reins. or both. and also normal halter or breakaway ?

My position is under notice of redundancy but the boss's new wife is already sitting in my seat?

He admitted that he would be outsourcing secretarial services and that his wife would be helping out ... I thought once the position was redundant, it was redundant, at least for six months .... any comments would be helpful. Have spoken to ACAS and they agree that it is unfair dismissal but do I want to jeopardise my redundancy pay for something that is likely to happen anyway? I've been in the position for four years and have developed the role way beyond what it was originally advertised for.

Should I invest �17k in Lloyds shares!? And how?

Think about it like this..u ever try to merchant on a mmorpg? well there are thousands of smart people who are trying to make money off the stock market, chances are you don't succeed. I would not take that chance definitely in playing the stock market, because everyone tries to do this.

Company restructure...I need to interview for my own job. Help?

Currently I am a senior administrator for an employability company. Due to the Governments new programmes and contracts, the company I work for is taking this opportunity to restructure in Scotland. This is involving cutbacks, meaning around half of the current staff will be facing redundancy. I started working for the company as an administrator in September 2010 and by May this year i was promoted to senior administrator. Now i am having to interview for my job (6 administrators going down to 3). Anyway thats a bit of background, it just seems that no matter how much preperation i am doing, i cant get my head round what i want to say at the interview. Has anyone been through this? Please help! Thanks

HELP! What is causing my ankle to be swollen and extremely painful?

I was walking in a wooded area and got stabbed in the ankle with a twig with thorns that looked like it came from surrounding trees. Within seconds it swelled and became very painful. The muscle, tissue or whatever it is is hard and throbbing. This happened a few hours ago and the pain nor swelling have decreased. What did I step on, what makes this happen, and what should I do? THANKS FOR ANY HELP!

Help!! I can't bear this dreary boring job/ life anymore?

If you're passionate about women's fashion then look into doing something more with that. There are plenty of design courses you could do which might take your career in a different direction.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Who are more tolerant liberals or conservatives?

I used to think liberals were the more tolerant political group, and I suppose on the surface they appear that way... but when you really get down to brass tacks, if you disagree with anything the liberals say the will turn to venomous savages in an attempt to have their way. Conservatives might be still opposed to what you say but they at least have class.

Have you ever responded to someone's redundancy with, "For the second time..."?

I just repaet myself like a broken record until either they get it or ask me to say it in a different way.

My sims 3 ambitions isnt installing?

i installed sims 3 on my computer and i updated it and i tried installing sims 3 ambitions and it stops halfway there and says 'File: e:Game\Bin\Gameplay\GameplayData.package Error: Data Error (cycling redundancy check)' and I dont know what to do?? pleaseeee helppppp :p and it's a pc

What type of wood should I use?

I need a solid, hard wood. Preferably one which is difficult to break with force, but not very difficult to cut. It has to be about 36 x 2 x 3 inches. What is a good type of wood to use?

Sims 3 Installation Error Message help?

if you only just bought it and its not working then theres possibly something wrong with the game. try and install it on your other computer and see if it works there. if not, i would suggest taking back to the store and asking them about it, they know what theyre doing. if it is the disc, they should give you a new one, considering you only bought it recently. this must be really frustrating, sorry i couldnt be more help, its hard to give advice on these things when you cant actually see whats going on. anyway good luck :)

Im a shorter golfer with un satisfactory length off the tee and wtih irons, help?

I am about 5'4 in height and hit the ball a decent distance but not enough to really put my self in good positions with longer courses. My drive will go about a max of like 260 250 but i really could use more off the tee as well as my iron shots, my iron distances are about as follows L-60 S-80 G-110 P-130 9-140 8-150 and then increments of about 10 going through a 5 iron then 4 and 3 hybrids and a 3 wood. I just don't feel satisfied with those distances and feel that I could do alot better but is it impossible because of my height? Help Please!!!

How do poor people cope with University costs?

They usually don't, a lot of poor people can't go to college because of money problems, unless they get a lot of scholarships. At least that is how it is in the US, college can be extremely expensive here, usually $10,000-$40,000.

Can someone who knows about UK employment law please answer this?!?

Thanks! What's the procedure when being made redundant in the UK? We were given letters six weeks ago with the title of "30 day notice of possible redundancy" so does this mean that they've given us our redundancy notice? We were told at the start of last week that we'd all be finishing at the end of the month, but then two days ago they made three members of staff redundant all of a sudden. Do they get paid up to the end of the month, or only up to the day they leave? Does that affect their redundancy? Can they protest against this as unfair dismissal as why should they go and not others? Also, someone mentioned that there's other pay that we are given outwith our wages for this month and redundancy pay? Is claiming redundancy and what we're owed easy to do? Sorry for all these questions, i've never been in this situation before and am totally confused and worried. The company i work for have been known to pull the wool over some people's eyes, and i don't want to get caught out or done out of money they owe me, due to my lack of knowledge in this area. Many thanks.

Bokken swords: cold steel vs. wooden?

Me and my friend are having this Zombie-apocalypse survival kit making contest, so by the end of it we can have people vote on who they think would survive longest. I've chosen a wooden sword/bokken as my main weapon, because one: I am a HUGE anime fan and thus like Japanese swords a lot, two it seems light to hold and to be low maintenance, and three it seems like it would be a decent weapon. But reading the reviews on these swords on Amazon, it seems that these things are not unbreakable. I have around 20$ left in my budget. I can either buy two wooden bokkens ( , or one cold steel bokken( ) . Honestly though, I don't think a wooden bokken would fall apart from brains/skull-smashing alone(zombie apocalypse, remember?). BUT a steel one is obviously more durable and can be used to break stuff, also doesn't rot like wood sometimes might. I'm leaning towards the wooden ones right now mainly because the wooden ones have cord-wrapped handles, which I like a lot(and the second one would go great with my shinigami cosplay), and I get two. What do you guys think? which one should I get?

How easy are goats as pets?

Most of them are pretty good. They can jump, but not too horribly high. A four foot fence would probably be good. They like to try to eat stuff like shoe laces. They usually are in pens. I don't know about training them, but I'm sure with time you can. I'm sure most farm animals will buck if you provoke them.

I need help,nobody understands?

i understand a little bit what u mean. some of this is probaly caused by low self esteem. if u work on that, ur current problems may improve. if u ever need anything tho u can email me at and ill b there 4 ya :) just remind me who u r and what ur problem was and stuff cuz i can b kinda forgetful :p

Should I invest in this tack?

If you don't intend to show, and just want some English tack for fooling around home, go for it. Are you looking to use this on your stud? It'd be fine for him as long as it fits him. If you decide that you really want to take the English route, invest in some better quality tack for showing. I bought an all purpose saddle for $250 at a local tack shop, and it's served me great. I've even used it to show once.

What GCSE grades do you need to be a doctor?

Well i think you need to chosen science as it is part of doctor subject. Also english and maths is very important subject to a doctor very much. You also can ask your doctor what subject you needed to take to become a doctor as you know the doctor are very experience in this. Hope it help and good luck xx

Why is my dog chewing the wood off the table?

My dog jus suddenly started to chew the wood off the table hes scraping it off with his teeth and paws.

I am facing Possible Redundancy and haven't been paid recently any advice please?

Good thing you are already looking for another job, because the one you have is likely dead. If the company goes into bankruptcy, employees' claims for back wages go before bankruptcy court. In the US, the state Dept of Labor handles these claims, and state & federal laws determine priorities for payment of claims. While I don't know UK specific details, the process is similar. There is very rarely enough to pay all the employees' back wages and benefits. And it can easily take a year or more to divide up what is available among claimants. If it's a small biz, your chances of recovery are slim to none, and slim quite likely fell off the cliff just about 4 weeks ago.

A riddle to which the answer is "Winnie the Pooh?"?

Winnie ! You had a 100 acres to do it in, why did you have to do it there ! ( Aah now what did Winnie do , that is the question ? )

Business Idea (lumber)?

I've been thinking about getting into lumber. I've never cut down a tree before, don't know what kind of tools I need, etc. So I have this old tree in my front yard, right next to the road. It's about 30 feet tall with 12" diameter. It doesn't have any branches or leaves so it's probably dead. Somebody has fastened some wires and a light (only comes on at night, wierd). How much could I get for this type of timber? There's about 20 of these growing in my neighborhood. Would I get more out of it if I chop it into fire wood?

What is the best way to back up data from my Macbook?

My Macbook is pretty full and I need to get some stuff off there.I am currently backing up all my photos and some of my music (that which I can't live without) on IDrive but I don't want to delete them until they are copied somewhere else for redundancy. So from my understanding an external hard drive is probably my best bet, although since I'm mostly just concerned about pictures and music I guess I could just buy a couple of USBs. I was trying to read up on hard drives and find out who makes the ones for WD and Seagate coz then I could just buy it and an enclosure for less, but I got lost in a sea of RAID 0's and SSD, and now am more confused than ever.

Terraria NPC's not coming?

i have over 50 silver, i have had at least one heart thing, and i have bombs. yet, none of the NPC's are coming. not even the guide is moving into one of my rooms. my rooms have full walls and background made from wood, table, chair and a torch. why arent they appearing?

How can we get out of this awful habit? This is VERY long.......?

My husband and i have been together for 11 years, which up until now, has been fantasticlly fun filled and loving. 7 years go we moved away so that he could be close to his familys' new business and then after a few years of longing for an old property to renovate we finally found one and we were so very, very happy doing this up. It was absolutely perfect, it was so exciting and we put all our efforts into it and then the icing on the cake, along came our longed for daughter 3 1/2 years ago with fertility help who we adore. I chose to be made redundant after my maternity leave, the firm i worked for were relocating and i was reluctant to travel so took the redundancy as i knew it would help with the renovations. My family home was my priority. At the same time his familys' business really took off and he became completely involved in it, living and breathing it. I suddenlly felt like my daugher and I and the house took a back seat and it seemed like my romantic idea of homelife disappeared and i was struggling as a first time mum. My husband said i was suffering post natal depression but i think i was grieving for what i felt i was losing. I was now juggling going back to work with promblematic childcare and felt things were going out of focus and i felt i was sorting out my life and getting on with that and my husband was doing the same but with his life. Intimacy disappearing overnight. I felt my husband was no longer focussed on the same things as me and we started to argue and contemplated splitting up. Lots of shouting, and sometimes getting physical especially when he kept coming home drunk from pool nights with the lads who at the end of the day are out to get bladdered!! So while i would be trying to catch up on sleep he was coming home at 2am. It got out of control and he was so out of it on a couple of occasions that i despised him because he came home with a back eye, and got fined for peeing in public - he's nearly 40! He was struggling too though getting used to the pressures of his new job which i do understand. And he probably despised me for not being supportive. We had arguments all of the time. Now our attitudes towards eachother stink, his personality has changed in my view, perhaps ive changed too because i no longer have the self esteem i had since giving up my old job in law when i had our daughter. He is now startng a new business as well which is great but his personality seems to have gone completely business like and even the way he talks about general life is so business like i feel like he's made of stone and where is the man i married. Maybe I just need to realise that we are no longer young and free of responsibility and that all these things change us. Perhaps i need to grow up and stop getting upset if things dont turn out as I hoped. At the end of the day he is doing his utmost best to make a financially secure future for us all and maybe i need to sacrifice some things for him to do this. Am i being naive? When we were younger we got into terrible debts (frivilous and carefree with money), we are still paying it off. He's going to make us very financilly comfortable. So why are we sniping and biting eachother's heads off now and making eachother go on guilt trips about the most petty things. we cant talk about anything without arguing, there is no way we could go to counselling because he doesnt believe in all that . On top of all this we have been trying for a brother or sister for our daughter since september again with fertility help, only for me to miscarry recently!!!! We are now supposed to be trying again but with the state of our relationship and feeling so stressed i hardly think its the right time but time is running out as we are both close to 40. This has been longwinded but i felt i had to tell whe whole story for it all to make sense.

Poll: Do you consider pot heads smokers?

When i think of smokers i think of people with cigars cigarettes and those old wood pipes. I don't really consider pot heads smokers. Every pot head friend I had in highschool said they don't like cigarettes or they never tried them

Godrej no1 model name?

Hi guys i saw this indian advertisement which shows a beautiful girl and some old woman walking through the woods, then the girl takes a bath. Its a godrej soap advertisment. Can someone tell me who this girl is.

Is this an okay stable hand resume?

you need to add things like experience and skills. If you have had lessons, show experience, etc this will all help show you are very knowledgeable. You can also show tings such as honor student if you are one or anything like that. That shows character and shows you try hard. Good luck!

What can i replace the wood stringers in my boat with ?

I'm replacing the stringers and transom in my boat. They were completely rotten. I've gutted the whole thing and now I'm wondering if there's an alternative to wood to prevent it from rotting again. I've heard that I can cut foam blocks and cover those in thick fiberglass but don't know if that's structural enough.

Molalla buckeroo Oregon. Whats it like?

My mom and I want to go this year but I want to know if its an event for all day or just the 8:00 show. Are there booths to buy tack and stuff? Are there events going on like barrel racing all day?

Redundancy appeal please help?

Cannot see there is anything she can do. She knew what the system was and unfortunately failed. She agreed to take the test and others scored higher.

Shouldn't we plan government cuts rather than let them fall on Obama Health care, like with Spain Care?

See the austerity cut backs in social services in Europe. They're hitting health care affecting the droves of people who are protesting in the streets of Spain while big labor unions demand more retirement benefits and raises. We can't fund everything. Shouldn't we made planned cuts of government redundancy, waste and elective programs instead of health care? Shouldn't we leave a private sector for health care and encourage charitable health organizations?

Would this be a good time for Argentina to re-invade the Falkland Islands?

Lets see... 1,000 troops and 5 Typhoons. That's good enough to at least hold them off until the others arrive. We still have carriers that haven't been scrapped, so we can bring those back, and the French will loan us the Charles de Gaulle for a short period. The Harriers are still in one piece, and the Army is well equipped despite the stupidness of the ConDem governments' cuts. The SA80 is one of the best assault rifles in existence, and our troops are the best trained in the world. The Argentinians have a smaller, less well-equipped Army, Navy and Air Force than they did in 1982, when Britain had almost nothing compared to now. It would be the worst idea ever.

At risk of redundancy?

employer using point scoring can your employer include if you had a accident which was the fault of the council for not maintaining the lane I fell on the pavement onto the road I ended up at hospital, but I work for the council, and because I was off my work with a foot injury, I could not get to my work could not get a shoe on, Because of this I had the high es score. should the absence be included in the scoring. donna

Which of the following statements illustrates a difference between public speaking and writing?

I'm leaning towards c or d, but I'd say d, because you really want to drive a message home with audiences, so sometimes, redundancy is necessary.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Would it be ok to do this just for one show?

i am thinking of switching to hunt seat (i ride saddle seat currently) i have almost everything i have tall boots (that are broken, i put them on consignment but the tack shop can't prove that the zipper got broken on consignment) and i can't get to a shoe repair until monday to see if they will actually fix them, and if they can't i have to drive out to the tack shop where i got them from to send them back to be fixed (my other boot got chewed by my dog so that is how i know that most shoe repairs will not fix them) i might have a saddle that i can borrow every now and then, i just need to get new breeches (my mom dripped bleach on the butt of them while she was washing them so now they have a bleach stain on the butt) and a dicky but i have a coat. but my real question is i have rubber boots that i bought from target a while ago, they are black but have polka dots on them. would it work if i spray painted them black and wore them for one show? or until i get my boots back from the shoe repair? we have possibly 2 shows before fair. and i would hope that i would have them back before fair

How do I take a picture of the internet browser I'm in ONLY?

I want to take a picture of my web browser, but just the picture part, not the tabs or the URL and everything else. If this is possible, please tell me, if not, tell me how to tack a picture of the whole screen please. Thanks!

Horse summer camp activities?

Does anybody know of any horse related activities for a summer camp with kids ages 7-12 and mostly beginners off the horse? I have some already such as horse's body, making treats, grooming, tacking, leading. I thought of maybe basic first aide but I don't know how I could teach that if the horsesaren'tt hurt